Imagine my surprise when my new blog friend
Mel tagged me in the List of Fours and invited me to play too. Thanks Mel.
Here are a few things you may not know ...
Four Shows you Watch!
1. Packed to the Rafters
2. 7th Heaven
4. The View
Four things you are Passionate about!
1. My Family
2. My Kaszazz Business
3. Crafting and reading
4. Life
Four words/phrases you say alot!
1. It's a dull day when you don't learn something new
2. Hum de dum (Pooh Bear)
3. Are you out of bed yet? (Parents of teenagers will understand)
4. Let's hit the road Jack
Four things you have learnt about the past!
1. Learn from your mistakes
2. Try not to make the same mistakes your parents made
3. Be bold, be strong - just do it
4. Life is fragile - make the most of it while you can
Four places you would like to go!
1. Ireland
2. Canada
3. The rest of Australia
4. New Zealand
Four things you did yesterday!
1. Housework
2. Work
3. Cooking
4. Mum's taxi (so what's new?)
Four things you are looking forward to!
1. A sleep in ... I won't hold my breath :(
2. Catching up with friends
3. Spending time with family over Easter
4. Watching my daughter dance at the Australian Irish Dancing Championships in September
Four things you love about spring!
1. Cooler weather after summer (no humidity)
2. Warmer weather after winter
3. Flowers blooming in the garden
4. Hayfever ... NOT!!
Now 4 people to tag along!
Don't forget to let them know
Tania a very talented lady whose blog I always check out
Kim one of my team members, a great friend and a very experienced scrapper
Alicia another talented lady with a great blog
Cheryl the creator of many a gorgeous Kaszazz workshop
Please check out the blogs of these very talented ladies. They are a constant source of inspiration.
Until next time